
How To Keep Animals From Eating Hostas

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What animal eats hostas? If yours suddenly disappear, you lot tin can probably blame deer, voles, or mice. Bugs, such as slugs, snails, cutworms, black vine weevils, and nematodes may cause more gradual damage. Rabbits and squirrels rarely eat hostas, although rabbits exercise savor their tender spring shoots.

Wondering what eats hostas? If and so, yous're in the right place. It can be difficult to tell which fauna is eating your hostas because different species can get out like clues.

In this article, I'll identify the most common hosta-munchers, signs that they're your culprits, and what you lot can exercise to deter them.


  • 1 What Animals Eat Hostas? Protect Your Hostas From These Creatures
    • 1.1 Mammals
      • 1.1.1 Deer
      • ane.i.ii Rabbits And Squirrels
      • 1.i.iii Voles And Mice
    • i.two Bugs
      • one.2.ane Slugs And Snails
      • 1.2.2 Cutworms
      • i.2.3 Blackness Vine Weevils
      • 1.2.four Nematodes
  • two FAQs
    • 2.i What Insects Eat Hostas?
    • 2.2 What Pulls Immature Hostas Into Ground And Eats Them?
  • 3 Happy Hosta Growing!

What Animals Eat Hostas? Protect Your Hostas From These Creatures



Plants similar hostas can increase your home'southward property value, only not if they're eaten past deer!

Deer dearest munching on hosta leaves , leaving simply the stalks. Because deer prefer aromatic hostas, you can avoid attracting them by planting patently-smelling varieties.

You can also protect hostas from deer with metallic or plastic fencing. It should be at least six anxiety (1.8 meters) tall, so deer won't simply jump over it. Cayenne pepper and strong-smelling oils, such as cinnamon, may too help.

Rabbits And Squirrels

Rabbits and squirrels rarely consume hostas , although rabbits may nibble their tender shoots in the spring.

You lot can deter either by sprinkling cayenne pepper on the leaves.

Voles And Mice

Voles and mice can apace devour hostas.

Cayenne pepper may deter voles and mice from eating hosta leaves. But because voles tunnel underground, they're a bigger threat to hosta roots. Clearing the surface area of weeds and debris can deter voles, every bit tin can a steel mesh cylinder buried partially underground around each hosta.

YouTuber Family unit Plot demonstrates how to protect hostas from voles past surrounding their roots with pebbles:


Slugs And Snails

The bugs most likely to eat hostas are slugs and snails, who prefer to feed at night.

Slugs and snails tend to leave polish, uneven holes between the veins of hosta leaves or on their edges. They besides get out tell-tale slime trails wherever they go.

Minimizing the dead plant material around your hostas will brand the area uncozy for these shade-loving creatures. For alternatives to organic mulch, check out these 31 budget landscaping ideas.


Cutworms are moth caterpillars of diverse species. They're more of a problem when a plant'due south leaves are close to the ground. You lot can deter them by surrounding your hosta plant with a ring of cardboard. Remove the ring when the leaves are several inches in a higher place the ground.

Black Vine Weevils

Adult black vine weevils are non-flying insects that measure about ¾ inch (ane.nine centimeters) long. They may chew notches along the edges of hosta leaves. Their larvae may consume the crown and roots, causing the leaves to yellow and wilt.

Because developed black vine weevils hide in debris or mulch during the day, you can deter them by non leaving these things around your hostas.


Nematodes microscopic shot

Nematodes are microscopic roundworms that can cause bacteria-similar infections in plants. They like to feed within hosta leaves, creating brownish streaks. You should destroy plants with symptoms of nematode infections. Spacing hostas well-apart and keeping their foliage dry will help deter nematodes.


What Insects Eat Hostas?

The bugs near likely to eat hostas are slugs and snails. Nevertheless, other potential culprits include cutworms, blackness vine weevils, and nematodes.

What Pulls Young Hostas Into Footing And Eats Them?

Cloak-and-dagger voles may snack on hosta roots. You can forestall this by partially burying a metallic mesh cylinder effectually each plant. Another option is to surround each hosta's roots with pebbles.

Happy Hosta Growing!

At present that y'all know what eats hostas and what to practise about information technology, y'all can enjoy them for every bit long as possible. As a quick epitomize:

  • Protect hostas from deer with tall fencing.
  • Deter deer, rabbits, squirrels, voles and mice with cayenne pepper.
  • Deter voles with a wire mesh cylinder.
  • Removing organic debris leaves bugs nowhere to hide.
  • To deter cutworms, place a cardboard ring around your hosta until its leaves are several inches above the ground.
  • Proper spacing and keeping leafage dry will deter nematodes.

Information technology'due south of import to know pests that damage your garden and how to get rid of them. For more tips about growing plants and flowers, read this guide of mine.

Have whatsoever questions? If so, delight let me know in the comments.

Terminal update on 2022-07-02 at 04:29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Production Advertisement API


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