
What Land Animal Has The Longest Neck

Long-necked animals have ever been an interesting topic to discuss. Just accept you ever wondered why some animals have such long necks?

Well, one part of the biologists say that it all comes downwards to development.

Some animals with long necks, such as giraffes and gerenuks, utilise their lengthy attributes to accomplish the tops of the trees when feeding. As a upshot, their long neck physical feature helps them minimize food competitors.

Yet, other scientists suggest that long necks are important attributes when fighting for mates.

But that's not all, stick with united states of america, as we are going to uncover 12 amazing animals with long necks!

Awesome Animals With Long Necks


long neck giraffe standing in the wild

Full Length – 17 ft.

Neck Length – Approximately half-dozen ft.

Giraffes are the tallest land animals on the planet. On height of that, they are animals with the longest necks.

These giants are herbivorous who primarily feed on the leaves of the acacia. Their size and long necks assistance them reach the foods that are out of range for most land animals.

Although, despite their colossal size, giraffes eat less food than many other mammals due to their efficient digestive system.

However, their huge necks besides accept a downsize.

Because of their long necks, giraffes have to spread their legs and almost kneel to the footing in social club to drink water. This awkward position makes them exposed to predators such as crocodiles or lions that unremarkably target their necks.

Apart from that, such long necks brand them be i of the very few animals that are not able to swim.

But, when fighting, male giraffes would utilise their necks as the chief weapon. Known as necking. Giraffes would striking each other'south heads until the defeated 1 retreats.

In most cases, a giraffe with a longer and thicker neck comes out every bit a winner.

Did You Know: Giraffes do not need to sleep more than than 30 minutes per day!

The Eastern snake-necked turtles

brown snake neck turtle

Total Length – 0.9 ft.

Neck Length – Approximately 0.55 ft.

The snake-necked turtles are pretty interesting creatures. They are medium-sized carnivorous animals, who inhabitant the freshwater environments of Australia.

These semi-aquatic long-cervix reptiles are members of the side-necked turtle nomenclature.

The reason behind the "side-neck" name is considering these turtles, unlike most of their relatives, tin't retract their head into the shell when threatened. Instead, they would lay the head and the neck to the side.

The-snake necked turtles have the longest among all turtle species. As a matter of fact, the size of their neck is approximately 50% of their total length.

They are expert fishers, and the size of their neck comes in handy when catching fish.

Did You Know: When stressed, the snake-necked turtle uses pungent spray, and because of that they are likewise known as Stinkers!


three ostriches standing on a field

Total Length – 9 ft.

Neck Length – Approximately three.3 ft.

The common ostriches are giant flightless birds native to savannas and open woodlands of Africa. The bulk of their diet consists of roots, fruits, and flowers; although, they would snatch some insects and lizards from time to time.

They are the largest bird species on the planet, sizing 9 feet from head to toe. The length of their cervix is near one-3rd of their total body weight.

Their long necks and ability to plough it 360 degrees round assist them spot the predators earlier they get very close.

Besides, ostriches are equipped with potent legs, and they can achieve speeds of 43 mph.

Taking into account how harsh environments ostriches live in surrounded by bloodthirsty predators, these physical characteristics are important for their survival.

Did You lot Know: The common ostriches take eyes of two inches bore, making them land mammals with the largest eyes!


two flamingos in the shallow water

Total Length – three.ix ft.

Neck Length – Approximately 2.8 ft.

Flamingos are unique pinkish-colored wading birds that live in rivers, ponds, lakes, table salt marshes in Florida, Mexico, and the Caribbean.

Flamingos are social birds, and they usually live in big groups whose population tin can number in few hundreds.

Recognized by their long legs and "s" shaped necks, flamingos utilise their physical characteristics to feed on shrimps, algae, crustaceans, and other meals from the lesser of the lakes.

Besides, the flamingo neck is extremely flexible; they can fifty-fifty curve information technology backward in order to groom themselves.

Did You Know: Due to their light body weight, flamingos can fly at speeds of up to 40 mph!


white swan spreading its wings in the water

Total Length – iv.9 ft.

Neck Length – Approximately 4 ft.

Swans are beautiful creatures, closely related to geese and ducks, and they are one of the rare animals that are able to fly and swim.

There are six living species, and they typically live in warmer environments of New Zealand, Australia, and the Chattam Islands.

Most of their diet consists of leaves, roots, stems, and other aquatic plants. Their long necks are quite useful when foraging underwater plants.

Swans are the largest waterfowl members and compared to their relatives they have a much longer neck.

Did You Know: Swans accept long lives; in the wild, they tin can live for more than 20 years!


wild gerenuk munching on leaves

Full Length – 3.5 ft.

Neck Length – Approximately 0.viii ft.

The giraffe gazelle or the gerenuk is a long-necked antelope native to the dry out parts of Africa. These animals are notably tall, characterized by their lengthy slender necks and legs.

These antelopes are adaptable eaters. They are herbivores animals, munching mostly on bushes, fruits, and flowers.

Thanks to their super-long necks, they can reach plants that grow 6-8 feet above the ground.

When foraging, they'll stand on their hind legs, using their forelegs to pull downwards plants. Which is pretty unique for any antelope species.

All the same, this rare feeding adaptation helps them obtain moisture from the plants they feed on, which allows them to live in hot habitats without needing to drink water.

Did You Know: The gerenuks have been described as apprehensive creatures, and they are oftentimes referred to every bit "queens of humbleness"

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the greater rhea with a long neck

Total Length – v.5 ft.

Neck Length – Approximately 0.ix ft.

Rheas are large birds, distantly related to the emu and ostrich. Even though they are flightless birds, rheas have unusually long wings.

These long-necked birds live exclusively in the South American continent, and they normally adopt open lands. Recognized by their gray-brown feathers, long necks, and legs, rheas tin grow 67 inches long.

Rheas are omnivores, but they are, for the most part, vegetarian eating wide-leaved plants and fruits. However, they would occasionally eat rodents, insects, and small reptiles.

Did You Know: When attacked by the predator, rheas would utilise zig-zag dodging tactics to flee!


two young white alpacas standing on a brown grass

Full Length – 3.7 ft.

Neck Length – Approximately 1.ii ft.

Alpacas are South American mammals, often confused with the llama. Although, llamas are notably larger than alpacas.

Alpacas are animals that feed on grass, and they eat 1.v of their total torso weight per twenty-four hour period. However, these wooly creatures adore munching on tree leaves.

Thanks to their long necks, they are able to reach leaves on the acme of the branches.

Besides, alpacas are vulnerable to dissimilar carnivore predators, and then their long necks take an extra part – help them to spot the enemies before they come close.

Did You Know: Alpacas employ body language to communicate; the near common way is spitting!


big jabirus standing on the green grass

Total Length – 5 ft.

Neck Length – Approximately 2 ft.

The jabiru is a long-cervix and legs wading bird constitute in Argentina and Mexico. The name Jabiru, when translated from the Tupi-Guarani language, ways "swollen cervix".

These birds are easily distinguished past their white plumage and their black and red necks. They are one of the largest flying birds in all of America.

Jabirus are social birds, and they occupy habitats virtually ponds and rivers, feeding mainly on fish and amphibians. They are opportunistic feeders, and when hunting, they rely more on tactile awareness than vision.

Did You Know: Despite their size, jabirus have been considered to exist graceful fliers!

The Arabian camel

brown dromedary walking on desert

Total Length – vi.3 ft.

Neck Length – Approximately 3 ft.

The Arabian camel, also known as dromedary, is the tallest camel species, with an average meridian of vi.three feet. Dromedary camels can exist found in the Centre East and North Africa.

These camel species are distinguished by their long, curved necks, one hump, and hairs on the throat. Also known as 'ships of the desert', camels accept an extreme tolerance to heat and incredible endurance.

Camels are footing feeders, and due to their long legs, they have naturally evolved into long-neck animals.

This is peculiarly true for the Arabian camels, who have the longest legs of all camel species. And then in case, they had short necks, they wouldn't exist able to feed on plants from the ground.

Did You Know: The Arabian camel has the power to travel more than 100 miles through the desert without h2o!

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white llama standing on a white dirt ground

Total Length – 5.9 ft.

Neck Length – Approximately 3.7 ft.

Llamas are livestock native to Colombia, Republic of bolivia, Argentina, and Republic of peru. They are very social creatures, frequently establish mixed with other brute herds.

Llamas are grazer animals that can survive past eating a wide variety of plants and by needing to swallow very piddling water.

Due to their feeding habits, long necks come up in handy when. Similar to their camel relatives, they would take to kneel in case they take had brusque necks.

Besides, llamas utilize their sturdy necks when fighting betwixt themselves. The fights are quite dramatic. Apart from cervix-wrestling, kicking, ramming, and spitting are often seen as well.

Did Y'all Know: Llamas are considered smart creatures, and they are quite easy to train!


white heron standing on the concrete

Total Length – 4.5 ft.

Neck Length – Approximately 2.5 ft.

The herons are littoral birds, found in Northward and South America, as well as the Caribbean area and the Galapagos Islands.

Characterized by their long necks and long legs, herons are medium-sized birds inhabiting tedious-moving freshwaters.

Unlike most birds with long necks, herons retract their necks during flights. Their necks consist of 22 cervical vertebrae, allowing them to bend their necks in "s" shape when flying or hunting prey.

The herons are carnivorous birds, and their diet by and large consists of aquatic prey. Including fish, reptiles, aquatic insects, and amphibians.

Did You Know: In Ancient Greece, herons were considered to be messengers from the gods!


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