
How To Ask Doctor About Emotional Support Animal

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If you endure from depression, anxiety, or another mental disorder, an emotional back up fauna (ESA) may help continue you calm and tethered to reality. Still, ESAs are not service animals. Rather, they are pets that a therapist or psychiatrist has adamant volition help convalesce the symptoms of a recognized mental disorder. The only legitimate mode to accept your pet classified as an ESA is with a letter of the alphabet from the mental health professional who is treating yous for a diagnosed mental disorder. With this letter, you lot may be able to go along your ESA with you in places where animals ordinarily aren't allowed, such as in no-pets housing or in the cabin of an aircraft.[1]

  1. 1

    Schedule an appointment with your health intendance provider. Y'all could simply become to your chief care physician, or to whatever doctor. However, the person in the best position to write an ESA letter of the alphabet for you lot is the mental health professional who is treating you for your mental disorder.[2]

    • When you call to schedule the appointment, permit them know that you want to talk to them about getting an ESA letter. That way yous're not putting them on the spot when you show up for the appointment.
  2. 2

    Depict specifically your need for the alphabetic character. In the US, ESA letters may be used for ii singled-out purposes. Either you lot desire to bring your animal with you in the passenger cabin of an aircraft, or you desire to be allowed to keep your fauna with you in no-pets housing.[iii]

    • Different situations may call for different reasons you need to have your pet. For example, if you accept anxiety and a pathological fright of flight, your therapist might exist able to write yous an ESA letter to take your beast in the cabin of an aircraft. However, those aforementioned reasons wouldn't justify your need for your animal in no-pets housing.


  3. three

    Explicate how your pet eases the symptoms of your disorder. While your health care provider doesn't have to name the disorder you accept, they do demand to be able to describe how your animal helps yous manage your symptoms. Often, the creature provides a calming outcome.[iv]

    • For example, if you suffer from feet, your animal may help go on you at-home or give y'all something to focus on when you lot feel a panic assail coming on.
    • Your animal also may provide you with a sense of connection to reality or to the earth. Being responsible for the animal's well-existence may help proceed you grounded.
  4. 4

    Provide your health care provider with a sample letter of the alphabet. You can find sample messages online to brand sure that your wellness care provider includes all the information necessary for a valid ESA letter of the alphabet. Generally speaking, the letter must state that y'all accept been diagnosed with a recognized mental disorder and that your ESA eases the symptoms of that disorder.[5]

    • The Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law has a PDF of a sample letter y'all can download at This letter meets all the necessary legal requirements.
    • If the name of the recipient of the letter is known, the letter should exist addressed to them specifically. Otherwise, a generic "to whom it may business organization" letter is fine.
  5. five

    Selection up your letter from your wellness care provider. Your wellness intendance provider may write your letter immediately, or they may have you come up back for it. If you lot need it by a certain engagement, exist sure and let them know that.[6]

    • Once you become your letter, yous're responsible for delivering it to the appropriate person. Before y'all requite them your alphabetic character, make a copy of it for your ain records.

    Tip: Try non to get too upset if your doctor or therapist isn't willing to write you a alphabetic character. Ask why they won't write the letter – there might be something you could say or do to change their mind. You can also inquire if they can recommend a colleague who would exist willing to write the letter.


  1. ane

    Typhoon a letter requesting reasonable adaptation. Although yous tin request reasonable accommodation in a contiguous conversation, or even over the telephone, a written letter is a better method. You can lay out the reasons for your request, and you have a record of it.[vii]

    • Y'all tin can detect sample letters online that you can utilize as guides. For example, the Disability Rights Center of Maine has several sample letters available at
    • If yous know the name of the recipient of the letter, address it specifically to them rather than using a generic salutation, such as "to whom information technology may business."
    • There's naught wrong with emailing the alphabetic character. However, if y'all anticipate resistance to your request, you might desire to take it in person or mail it using a trackable method.
  2. 2

    Talk over the affair with someone in charge. Whether you lot're requesting accommodation from your landlord, or want to take your ESA on a plane, make certain the person yous're talking to has the authority to grant your request. Otherwise, y'all could exist challenged later on. Give them your letter requesting reasonable adaptation, besides equally your letter of the alphabet from your health care provider.[viii]

    • Make your request in accelerate, and every bit shortly every bit possible. If y'all get out it to the last infinitesimal, yous risk putting yourself and others in a difficult or bad-mannered situation. Be respectful, and don't put anyone on the spot or make demands.
    • You may go resistance because people have abused the privilege of having an ESA so they can continue their pets with them. the person you talk to may have had bad experiences previously with someone who had an untrained or disruptive fauna.

    Tip: Recall that you are not required to specify your mental disorder, nor is anyone allowed to ask. If you are asked the nature of your mental disorder, y'all can reply "I am non required by constabulary to provide that information, and asking is a violation of my privacy."

  3. 3

    Get the results of your discussion in writing. If the person yous talk to agrees to let you have your ESA with you, inquire them to requite you a letter to that event on company letterhead. You can utilize this as an official certificate if anyone hassles you lot later on on.[9]

    • Brand several copies of this alphabetic character to ensure you always have i handy. Proceed this letter as well as a re-create of the letter from your health care provider with you whenever you are in public with your ESA.

    Tip: People are immune to propose alternative accommodations, merely you also have the right to refuse those alternatives. With a letter from your wellness care provider, US landlords and airlines are legally obligated to provide your requested accommodation.

  4. 4

    Pay any required fees or deposits to keep your ESA with you lot. Service animals are exempt from deposits or fees designed to comprehend harm to the property. Yet, an ESA is not exempt. If you're allowed to go on your ESA in no-pets housing, your landlord may ask you for an boosted deposit.[x]

    • You may likewise be required to pay a nonrefundable pet fee. If yous're not able to pay the unabridged amount up front, detect out if you tin can make installment payments over several months.


  1. 1

    Take your animal's temperament evaluated. Not every creature can handle being an ESA. Even though you lot may not treat the animal any differently than you would a pet, the demands on the brute are different. More often than not, your animal should accept a calm, fifty-fifty temper.[11]

    • For example, if y'all have feet, you wouldn't expect a nervous chihuahua that had a high anxiety level itself to have a calming influence on you.
    • If y'all've not yet adopted your animate being, choose a breed with an appropriate temperament for being an ESA. For example, if y'all're looking for a dog, consider breeds often used as service animals, such equally retrievers and German Shepherds.

    Did You Know? Dogs may come up to mind when you lot call up about emotional support animals, but all creatures large and small can potentially be ESAs. There are mini pigs, cats, mice, rabbits, and fifty-fifty birds that are ESAs.

  2. 2

    Take your brute through bones obedience preparation courses. Particularly if you lot have a domestic dog as your ESA, basic obedience training will ensure your domestic dog behaves appropriately in public situations. For other types of animals, you may also be able to find preparation courses (although your options will likely exist express).[12]

    • In some situations, yous may be required to vouch for your ESA's behavior. For example, some airlines require ESA handlers to sign a written statement that their ESA is calm and well-behaved.[13]
  3. 3

    Ensure that your animate being is housebroken. Service animals are required to be housebroken. Although ESAs aren't service animals, follow the same rule. Nobody welcomes an animal that is not housebroken and makes a mess or damages property.[xiv]

    • If an accident happens, clean it upwardly yourself as quickly as possible. No one else is responsible for taking care of or cleaning upwardly after your ESA.
  4. 4

    Maintain command of your animal at all times. Service domestic dog handlers are expected to have consummate control over their animals. Even though ESAs are not service animals, you should however hold yourself to the same standard.[xv]

    • If your animal is calm and obedient, this shouldn't be a problem. If you have a cat, rabbit, or other animal that can't exactly be "trained," make certain you have the animal in a carrier or restrained in some way at all times when you lot're out in public.
  5. 5

    Follow established rules for treatment your ESA. When y'all are permitted to have your ESA in no-pets housing or in a public place, there may be rules regarding what your ESA can and can't practise, or where your animal is permitted to go. If y'all violate these rules, yous may no longer be allowed to have your ESA with you.[16]

    • For instance, if you accept a dog every bit your ESA, and your landlord requires dog owners to clean up after their animals outside, this applies to you as well. If you don't clean upwardly later your canis familiaris, your landlord could adios you for a lease violation – regardless of your dog'due south status every bit your ESA.

    Tip: Airlines may have additional restrictions regarding detail breeds of dogs or animals on longer flights. The airline will provide y'all with information about their policies – brand sure you read and understand it before you lath the airplane to avert whatever issues.


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  • Emotional support animals won't necessarily be able to go everywhere with you. Even so, they practice qualify to stay with you in no-pets housing, and you can take them with you on a aeroplane when you travel.[17]

  • Take your ESA to the veterinarian at least once a year, and make certain it is up to date on all required vaccines. Keep any registration tags either on your animal'southward collar or on your person whenever you are out with your dog.[18]

  • Although no specific preparation is required for ESAs, if y'all take your pet to obedience preparation and larn how to handle information technology in public, you will demonstrate your respect for service and assistance animals. You'll also be less likely to be challenged if your creature is calm and well-behaved.


  • This article primarily discusses laws regarding service animals and emotional support animals in the US. If you lot live in another state, enquire a veterinary or a mental health professional how emotional support animals are regulated or controlled.

  • In the United States, at that place is no "certification" for emotional support animals nether federal constabulary. There are numerous online companies that offer to sell y'all certificates, badges, and registration – typically for hundreds of dollars. These companies are scams.[19]


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