
Cake Decorating Watsonville Adult Education

REGISTER REGISTRARSE MS Office Applications with Spanish Support Level I   -Section 4400

This is the first course in the Microsoft Office 2019 series. Prepare to get a new job and learn the software skills that are required today in an office or company. We show you how to handle productivity applications such as Microsoft Word and Excel. We will create professional documents, flyers, spreadsheets, charts and PowerPoint presentations in the new Office 2019 suite. Pre-Requisite: Basic computer knowledge is expected. Applicable to Google Apps.

Prepárese para obtener un nuevo trabajo y aprenda las destrezas de software que se requieren hoy en día en una oficina o empresa. Le mostramos cómo manejar las aplicaciones de productividad como son el Microsoft Word, Excel y PowerPoint en un nivel básico e intermedio. Vamos a crear documentos profesionales, hojas de cálculo y presentaciones de PowerPoint en Office 2019. Applicable a Google Apps.Pre-Requisitos: Uso básico de la computadora.

Green Valley Center, Room 4, 294 Green Valley Road, Watsonville
Tue &Thu/ Mar& Jue 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.  Solorio
Session 1: Aug 12, 2021- Sep 16th, 2021$40
(Spanish Support)

Section 4400

REGISTER REGISTRARSE MS Office Applications with Spanish Support Level II Section 4400

Prepare for your Microsoft Office Specialist Certification. This is the second course in the MS Office 2019 series. This course covers the intermediate features of Microsoft Word 2019 necessary to produce professional quality documents including Word Art, Smart Art, Mail Merge, Reports and Newsletters. It also covers intermediate features of Microsoft Excel including creating and managing spreadsheets, conditional formatting, formulas, conditional and financial functions. Applicable to Google Suite. Pre-Requisite: Must have been enrolled in basic MS Office course or equivalent computer experience.

Prepárese para la certificación de Microsoft Office Specialist. Este curso es la continuación de la clase básica de Microsoft Office 2019. En esta clase se trabaja a un nivel intermedio y también se ven algunas funciones avanzadas de Microsoft Word como el Word Art, Smart Art, Mail Merge, Newsletters y reportes las cuales son necesarias para crear documentos de calidad profesional. También se cubre el Excel lo que es la cereación de spreadsheets, conditional formatting, formulas, conditional and financial functions. Applicable a Google Apps. Pre-Requisitos: Debe haberse inscrito en un curso básico de Office o tener la experiencia básica manejando estos programas.

Green Valley Center, Room 4, 294 Green Valley Road, Watsonville
Tue&Thu/ Mar & Jue 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.  Solorio
Session 1: Sep 21st, 2021 - Nov 9th, 2021   $40 (Spanish Support)
Section 4301

REGISTER REGISTRARSE Computer and Chromebook Skills with Spanish Support Section 9995

Learn the basic computer skills needed to create basic documents, navigate the internet, manage files and create emails. You will also learn the typing skills needed to succeed in any of our computer classes. We show you how to handle the new Microsoft Windows 10 operating system. In addition, you will learn basic skills to start using a Chromebook and some of the Google Applications.
Aprenda las destrezas básicas de computadoras que se requieren para crear documentos simples, navegar el internet, manejo de archivos, asi como crear y manejar correos electrónicos(emails). Aprenda a utilizar el teclado en forma rápida para que este listo para otras clases mas avanzadas de computadoras. Le mostraremos como manejar el nuevo sistema operativo Windows 10. Aprenda lo básico del software que se usa en un Chromebook como los Google Apps. (NO CLASS: SEP 6)
Green Valley Center (GVC), Room 8, 294 Green Valley Road, Watsonville
Mon & Wed/Lun y Mie                        6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.                              V. Garcia

Section 9995

REGISTER REGISTRARSE Google Apps with Spanish Support- Basic. Section 9995

Take it to the next level and stay up to date in the business software world understanding how a Chromebook works and become familiar with some Google tools like Google Classroom, Email, Video Conferencing with Google Meet, Google Drive, Google Sheets, and Docs. You will also learn the computer skills necessary to create basic documents and spreadsheets. Prerequisite: Must have been enrolled in Computer and Chromebook Skills
course or equivalent computer experience.

 Aprenda cómo funciona un Chromebook y conozca algunas herramientas de Google como Google Classroom, Correo electrónico, Google Meet, Google Docs y Google Drive.
También obtendrá los conocimientos básicos para crear documentos, hojas de cálculo y videoconferencias.

Green Valley Center, Room 8, 294 Green Valley Road, Watsonville
Mon & Wed/Lun & Mie                  6:00 p.m. -9:00 p.m.                                           V. Garcia
Section 9995  Session 1: Sep 27 - Nov 10

REGISTER REGISTRARSE Intuit QuickBooks Online 2020-2021 Sections 4010, 4011

3D Printing Level 1    Section 4120 REGISTER REGISTRARSE
Learn the basics of 3D Printing, its history and practical applications, and how to produce a 3D printed product. In this hands-on class, students will be able to print at least one 3D printed design to take home with them. Pre-Requisite: Must have basic computer skills.
Location: Green Valley Center (GVC), Room 9, 294 Green Valley Road, Watsonville
Thu                                      6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.                                                            Staff
Section 4120Session 1: Aug 12, 2021 - Sep. 30th, 2021                        $100
                       3D Printing Level 1 Section 4121.
Thu                                     6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.                                                               Staff
Section 4121                     Session 1: Oct. 21st, 2021- Dec. 9th , 2021                        $100

Cake Decoration Level 1-6
Learn how to mix colors, decorate cakes with equipment bags and tips, edges, tissues and figures of flowers and much more. At every level, recipe information and tips will be shared on homemade pastries and fillings for cakes with seasonal fresh fruit. Each level is more advanced and intense. This class needs to be started from the first level. The first day of every level will be an overview and orientation. It is required that each student bake their cake before class. At the end of each level, you will receive a certificate of completion. Any questions please call the office at (831) 786-2160.
Decoración de Pasteles Nivel 1-6
Aprenda cómo mezclar colores, decorar pasteles con equipo de puntas y bolsas, bordes, tejidos y figuras de flores y mucho más. En cada nivel se comparten recetas y tips sobre reposteria, panes caseros, y se enseñan a hacer rellenos de pastel con fruta fresca de temporada. Cada nivel es más avanzado e intenso. Se requiere iniciar desde el primer nivel. El primer dia de cada nivel será un repaso y orientación. Se requiere que cada estudiante hornee su pastel antes de clase. Al final de cada nivel, usted recibirá un certificado de completacion del nivel. Cualquier pregunta llamar a la oficina al (831) 786-2160.

Green Valley Center, Room/Salón 6, 294 Green Valley Road, Watsonville
Thu/Jue                                5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.                              Martinez
Registration Section 7010  Level/Nivel 1: Basic Steps/Pasos Básicos Aug 12 - Sep 2 $100
Registration Section 7011 Level/Nivel 2: Flowers and Paste/Flores de Pasta Sep 9 - Sep 30 $100
Registration Section 7012  Level/Nivel 3: Two Tier Dec./Decoración de dos pisos y más Oct 7 - Oct 28 $100
Registration Section 7013  Level/Nivel 4: Basic Fondant/Crema Fondant Básica Nov 4 - Dec 9 $100
Green Valley Center, Salón/Room 6, 294 Green Valley Road, Watsonville
Fri/Vie                                5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.                                 Martinez
Registration Section 7017  Level/Nivel 3: Two Tier Dec./Decoración de dos pisos y más Aug 13 - Sep 3 $100
Registration Section 7016  Level/Nivel 4: Basic Fondant/Crema Fondant Básica Sep 10 - Oct 1 $100
Registration Section 7014  Level/Nivel 5: Inter. Fondant/Crema Fondant Intermedio Oct 8 - Oct 29 $100
Registration Section 7015  Level/Nivel 6: Advan. Fondant/Crema Fondant Advansado Nov 5 - Dec 12 $100

REGISTER REGISTRARSE Cosmetology Section 10001

The cosmetology program will offer the required training to obtain a California Cosmetology
Cosmetology encompasses the study and beautification of hair, skin and nails.
We offer a 1,600 hour program that will set students up for passing their California State Board.
We also start the exploration and understanding in the vast opportunities of the cosmetology
field and all it has to offer.

Location: Institute of Language and Culture (ILC), Room 6, 320 Rodriguez Street, Watsonville
Tue - Thu 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.                                                                                           Harrington
Section 10001 Aug 11 - Dec 16

REGISTER REGISTRARSE Pre-Apprenticeship Program Section 4220

This pre-apprenticeship course (Building Trades Program) is a basic introduction to the essential fundamentals of the crafts in the construction industry. This is a lecture-lab type of course where students are introduced to Orientation and Industry Awareness, Tool and Materials, Construction Health and Safety, Blueprint Reading, Basic Math for Construction, Heritage of the American Worker, Diversity in the Construction Industry, Green Construction, Financial Literacy. Students will gain and overview of the construction industry, attitudes and behaviors, the role of an apprentice, union membership, motivation and code of conduct, getting along at work, interview skills, and the building trades. The objective of this course is to prepare pre-apprentices toward the pathway of the Building Trades Apprenticeship programs by exposing students to the fundamentals of the construction industry.

Minimum Requirements:
•Must be interested in a career in construction
•Must be 18 years old or older
•Must possess a High School Diploma/GED/HiSET or completed higher education
•Must possess a valid Driver's License
•Must be able to work legally in the USA
•Must be able to pass a drug screening

Successful graduates of this 144 hour class
(2 evening/week plus 4 Saturdays over 4 months) receive:

  • The Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3) certificate, recognized nationwide by the Building and Construction Trades
  • An OSHA-10 certificate that you have successfully completed basic safety training
  • First Aid/CPR certificate
  • A tool bag, Red Wing work boots, and basic set of tools

Must pre-register to verify minimum requirements

Green Valley Center, Room 9, 294 Green Valley Road, Watsonville
Tue & Wed/Mar & Jue 4:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.  Staff
Saturday TBD
Section 4220

REGISTER REGISTRARSE WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate Section 440

WorkKeys is the leading job skills assessment system in the nation, measuring real world fundamental skills that are critical to job success. Some employers use the system to determine hiring qualifications. Pre-registration required due to limited seating. There will be a $10 No Show fee.
Location:  Green Valley Center (GVC) , Room 8, 294 Green Valley Road, Watsonville

Every Friday                                 12:00 noon                                                  Staff

Section 440August 13th, 2021- Dec 17th-2021           $75

Location:  Santa Cruz Center (SCC) , Room 8, 294 Green Valley Road, Watsonville

Every Thursday                            12:00 noon                                                  Staff

Section 440August 12th, 2021- Dec 17th-2021           $75

WorkKeys Curriculum Section 441-

ACT WorkKeys Curriculum helps individuals build the essential career-relevant skills needed for learning, personal development and effective job performance. It's the only curriculum built from the ground up to align with the WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate® assessments. The courses are delivered via a personalized, mobile-based learning management system. The platform delivers a meaningful learning experience and provides users with a customized study schedule and detailed instructional content.
Location: Green Valley Center (GVC) , Room 5, 294 Green Valley Road, Watsonville

Wed & Thur.                           4:00p.m - 8:00 p.m                                                 Staff

Section 441August 11th, 2021- Dec 16th-2021

REGISTER REGISTRARSE Jobs 101 - Section 409-

Students now registered at Watsonville/Aptos/Santa Cruz Adult Education in combination with your present academic goals (high school diploma, GED or HiSET) are invited to attend our 21st Century Careers learning lab. Get the help, guidance and career coaching you've been waiting for.
Location: Room 5, 294 Green Valley Road, Watsonville

Friday                                           10:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m                                          Staff
                                          August 13th, 2021- December 17th, 2021                Free for current students
Section 409

                                                                   Topics Include:

• Understanding the people at work
• Who's hiring now
• Get ready for that interview
• How to ask for more money
• Am I a good employee?
• Interest Inventory
• Goal setting/time management • Internships
• Transferable skills
• Career assessments

• Career planning activities • Job search
• Resume
• Letter of Introduction
• Mastering soft skills for workplace success
• Build your resume vocabulary
• Changing jobs
• Keeping Jobs
• Clear decision making techniques • I want to be the boss

Cake Decorating Watsonville Adult Education


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